
Oracle Interview Experience

Oracle GBU campus placement drive | Virtual process

Round 1

Round 1 was an online MCQ round consisting of aptitude, verbals, reasoning, and technical questions. The round was divided into many sections with a separate time frame for each section. The total time, including all sections, was 107 minutes.

Round 2 (Coding Round)

Round 2 was an online coding round, in which we were given two coding questions to solve within 60 minutes:

Print string in zig-zag format Print string in zig-zag format Print string in zig-zag format

Round 3 (Interview Round)

The interviews were held over Zoom and consisted of the following rounds:

  • Two Technical Interviews (about 1 hour each)
  • One HR Interview (about 30 mins)

Some of the Interview questions

Both the technical interviewers took 2 minutes to read my resume and then asked questions based on it.

  • Introduce yourself (2 times in both tech rounds)
  • Rate yourself in the following:
    • C++
    • Data Structures
    • SQL
  • OOPs/Java questions
    • What is OOPs?
    • What are the main concepts in OOPs? (abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism with real world examples)
    • What is an example of runtime polymorphism? (function overriding)
    • What is function overriding? What is function overloading? Difference between the two.
    • He asked me syntax to inherit class in C++, the extends keyword is in Java.
    • What is the difference between C++ and Java?
    • What is JDK, JRE, JVM ?
    • What is constructor?
    • What is destructor?
    • Why is return type of main void in Java? Return type of main in C++?
    • He asked me output of following:
      class Test {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println(10 + 20 + "TestCode");
        System.out.println("TestCode" + 10 + 20);
        System.out.println(10 * 20 + "TestCode");
        System.out.println("TestCode" + 20*10);
  • DBMS questions
    • Query to find the maximum salary from employee table? (ans: SELECT MAX(salary) FROM Employee)
    • What is primary key? What is foreign key?
    • What is SQL?
    • Difference between TRUNCATE and DELETE command?
    • What is transaction? I was also asked about the life cycle of a transaction (partially committed, committed, ROLLBACK).
  • Other technical questions
    • I was asked to code the following question in Round 1:
    • I was asked to explain bubble sort in both tech rounds (asked to write pseudo code in second tech round)
    • I was asked to explain and write pseudo code for binary search.
    • He gave me a binary tree structure and asked all three traversal: postorder, preorder & inorder. He asked if given preorder traversal, can I tell postorder traversal?
    • What is virtual table?
    • What is MVC architecture?
  • Resume based questions
    • I was asked to explain each of my projects.
    • Some questions mentioned above were also from resume.
  • Other questions

Final result: Selected

You can also find my experience penned down in GFG.

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